Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comparing two arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing two arguments - Essay Example The article Binge Drinking Must be Stopped by Wechsler (2002) discusses the extreme manner in which college student engage in binge drinking. Wechsler bases his arguments on increased frequency of drinking amongst students irrespective of the serious side effects of such habits. He feels that there is need for other parties to intervene in stopping binge drinking amongst students. Joel Epstein is a Director of Special Projects, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug prevention. The article Parental Notification: Fact or Fiction (Epstein, 1998) assesses public response to a law that allows school to inform parents if their children are caught engaging in drug as well as alcohol abuse. The article discusses the move by the congress to enforce rules on how the administration should involve parent while dealing with students who are binge drinkers. The parent notification law was enacted in 1998. The law was enacted following the death of a student in an alcohol related car c lash. Epstein wonders if parents are capable of confronting their children who may engage in binge drinking. Epstein is opposed to binge drinking since it makes students oppose the school rules. He claims that the binge drinkers fail to respect the authorities and end up engaging in actions such as property damage. Wechsler’s main concern is the health effect of binge drinking amongst student. He feels that binge drinkers affect their lives and those of fellow students. Both Wechsler and Epstein agree that binge drinking alters the student’s behaviors. Additionally they both agree that it should be eliminated. They argue that students go to nearby bar and overindulge in alcohol drinking. Epstein claims that when go back to college, they are confronted by college police but are too drunk to engage in any meaningful conversation. He thus feels that it is crucial to involve the students’ parents. Wechsler and Epstein argue that student still overindulge in binge dr ink even though college rules prohibit this. Although Epstein and Wechsler agree that binge, drinking habit is rampant amongst college students and requires to be stopped. They suggest different measures. Epstein feels that parent notification would help curb the situation. He argues that parents and should take responsibility of ensuring that their children are accountable for their actions. One differing issue between Epstein and Wechsler’s article is on the role of other people in dealing with binge drinking. Wechsler feels that the administration has a greater role. However, he argues that other stakeholders such as students, community, college presidents, and alcohol outlets should take part in eradication binge drinking. Epstein feels that the administration is not taking their role efficiently and parents should thus be involved. Therefore, both agree that parents have a role to play. Conclusion Undeniably, Wechsler and Epstein agree on some of the primary effects of b inge drinking. For instance, the two discussed articles contend that binge drinking causes behavioral and other alcohol related problems. They also agree that there is need for intervention to stop students from binge drinking. However, Epstein claims that the best intervention is notification of parents on their parents drinking habits. He argues that parents are more capable of intervening in such situation as compared to college authorities. However, Wechsler feels th

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