Monday, October 7, 2019

Economic Issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economic Issue - Assignment Example In other words, as competition increases in the market, the cost of labor becomes of essence. Considering that the discriminatory employers would go for particular employees who necessarily do not guarantee the least cost of labor, the result is that their business is likely to have higher labor costs as compared to businesses of non-discriminatory employers. Eventually, labor discrimination will decline as business which discriminate find it hard to operate in a competitive market where cost of labor plays a critical role. Employer discrimination may still persist despite efforts to break down barriers and introduce competition for two main reasons. First, it is almost impractical to create perfectly competitive markets. This is based evidenced by the decade long continuity of labor market discrimination in high-income countries. As regards to developing counties, monopolistic power is quite of essence, which permits indulgence in market discrimination. Secondly, even though competition lives on in virtually all markets, it is not by itself a sufficient reason for the elimination of discrimination. Therefore, market discrimination in a competitive market will still exists as long as all the employers have a taste for

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